Dear reader, if this entry or my other blog entries don't answer your specific photography questions, you can call me on the phone anytime for advice by clicking here.If you are selling (or hope to soon be selling) your travel photos to the publishing world, don't forget images that also represent the
idea of travel. Depending on flight connections, you can be sitting around in an airport for hours doing nothing. Why not try to get some candid shots that show movement, and the feeling of air travel? These types of images sell well; you can often find them in travel trade publications such as AAA and the like.
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Use a wide angle lens to allow for extra text space. The above photo has plenty of white area which is ideal for graphic designers; they can add the magazine mast head or any other text.
2. Make sure there is always movement in the photo. Static images do not sell very well.
3. Err on the side of overexposure.
4. Find the brightest area of the airport to take your photos.
5. Keep an eye open for pilots and crew walking toward their gate. You can often get usable images of these people as long as no faces or company logos are visible.
6. Panning shots of people walking by work well. The faces will not be recognizable, and the sense of movement will add value to your image.
Important: With increased airport security this type of photography is very risky. Keep your camera at your waist, and keep shooting, guessing at the composition. You will eventually get some usable images, after deleting the majority of ill-composed shots. In this case, digital cameras have the advantage!
Mark's photographic prints for your wall can be purchased at
Description : Dear reader, if this entry or my other blog entries don't answer your specific photography questions, you can call me on the phone anyti...